Social media networks including their websites and apps are huge platforms for people to personally and officially interact with each other. These platforms help your ad to be visible to more and more audiences, and thus drag more consumers.
Each and every of these top social media giants regularly observe what users desire to gain from their sites. Analysing those need and requirement, they launch some features which makes it easier for people to stay connected and for the brands to be seen easily to genuine visitors. Here are some of very recent updates and addition in the features of 7 of the giant social media platforms.
- Google+
- YouTube
Anybody, who uses Facebook on desktop, would have noticed the brand new look in the page layout design, with notable call-to-action button and navigation system.
Facebook is focusing on boosting up the visibility of ‘real informative’ stories, based on the keywords which personalises and predicts what type story you think is actually informative to you. In this attempt, Facebook is upgrading the news feed algorithm.
There is now an interruption in the works of ad blocker, which keeps irrelevant ads away from the desktop pages of Facebook. Now, Facebook is making sure that with the posts of people in your friend-list, you do not miss any ad too.
A large effect is going to occur if people will see your Facebook ad or not, based on the loading duration of your mobile site.
According to an announcement, the social media giant will soon increase the level of prioritisation of posts. Here the posts by family and friends will get priority over those from brands, publishers and pages.
After being criticised for a long time, Facebook has finally removed the descriptions from trending topics.
An update for Facebook’s ranking algorithm has been announced to reduce the eye-catchy headlines that drag to useless contents.
Audience demographics, views from shares and cross-posting and live video engagement –these three features will be added shortly in Page Insights and Video Library. This initiative is to help you understand how your video is working and how you can grow the number of audience. Also there are two new tools for publishers, who use 360 videos.

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A new Message button is being added to Twitter. It will be helpful to those people who want to contact you directly by visiting your personal website or company.
A feature, named Conversational Ads, has been opened to all advertisers. A new ad type is helping those people to unlock exclusive contents who tweet about brands.
The #Stickers is another new feature in Twitter. It helps to overlay emojis, which are searchable, to the pictures, before you tweet it out. This feature is now going to be available for brands too.

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Now you will be able to add links and images with the comments you are leaving in Google+.
After the feature for ‘approved posting’ was introduced, Community owners and moderators got control over who can post what type of content.
Google is trying for the betterment in accommodating business users. More organisations are going to be able to join Communities and Collections, which are favourite to the members for sharing and discussing new and improved ideas and other topics.
A notification centre will soon be added for users to observe and manage their recent activities throughout the network.
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Your brand can now find more way for conversion and sale through the soon-to-be added feature in Pinterest, which is being called as ‘Promoted Video Ads’. This new kind of video advertisement will be launched shortly.
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A new feature named ‘Stories’ has been introduced to around 500 million users in Instagram. This feature will let you create a slideshow of pictures and videos, but it will vanish after 24 hours.
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From a company that needs freelancing help to a freelance worker –everyone in U.S can now get connected through the new ProFinder in LinkedIn. After answering a few quick questions, ProFinder will help finding potential matches for your requirement.
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YouTube is turning itself into something more rather than being a website where people upload and watch videos and leave comments on them. Hence it is opening a new feature, named as ‘Backstage’