5 common SEO mistakes to avoid in Digital Marketing

5 common SEO mistakes to avoid in Digital Marketing


Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is a way by which you can get your website to rank higher in Google or other search engines. You can learn about the different SEO ranking techniques such as on-page optimization and keyword searches with the help of courses such as digital marketing Siliguri. With this type of course you will get to know about the best practices for SEO and ways to improve and implement them.

SEO is always used to get your target keyword a higher ranking. Although with the help of many online resources you can improve and implement the SEO practices, the common mistakes that are made during the process cannot be overlooked. Some of the common mistakes that you might make and the ways to fix them are-

Searching poor keyword

One of the most common mistakes made during SEO is not understanding the needs of the target audience which might lead you to fail to research for the correct keyword. If you want your content to get maximum reach you have to pay keen attention n to keyword research. Although the generic keywords have a high volume of searches, specific queries will get your content a better ranking. If you cannot find the right keyword for your website to rank in the search engines you can go to any digital marketing agency in Siliguri and get their help.

Bad Google reviews

Any service or product will have both good and bad reviews. Your search rankings will be mainly localised based on the total number of reviews received on Google. Receiving positive reviews will always help in increasing the reliability of your site but if you only receive all the good reviews it might also seem a bit suspicious to others.

And receiving many bad reviews will drive all your traffic away. Thus you can consider your negative reviews left by unsatisfied customers and make considerable changes.

Not being able to optimise content title

If want your content to get a higher position it is important to optimise its title properly which will also help in your SEO. It is very important to optimise the SEO page title which will eventually help your search engine along with your users to understand your content based upon the webpage’s title.

 As the different pages of your website will be filled with different content it is very important to have a relevant and unique title for each page. If you fail to put up a concise and eye-catching title for your content it might not show up in the search engine.

Using duplicate content

It refers to that content is either similar or identical to other content available on the site. Although a duplicate is not penalised by Google it will affect your webpage’s ranking to a great extent. Search engines mostly never show similar versions of any content and choose the one which the readers find more relevant.

Overusing a keyword

You can be penalised by your search engine for using too many keywords in your content. You must always use the right amount of keywords and also in the right place to protect your content from becoming a low-quality one. Stuffing your website with an excessive amount of keywords will make it very difficult to navigate thus creating a poor experience for the users.

The commonly made SEO mistakes can be recognised and avoided very easily if you stay updated with the latest techniques and trends. There are many agencies for digital marketing in Siliguri that are known to make use of SEO and bring your website among the top searches in the search engine. By delivering content that are high quality by nature will increase your user engagement and will help boost your website easily. 

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